Issue: I don’t see any watch buttons.
Solution: The watch buttons will not go live until 8:45am on Wednesday July 31st.
Issue: Zoom doesn’t launch a meeting when I click the watch button.
Solution: Depending on your network configuration, the Zoom launcher may be blocked on your machine. To work around this issue, you must have the Zoom application installed on your device. If you need to download Zoom, you can download the Zoom Client for Meetings here. Once you have Zoom installed, open the application and click “Join Meeting”. Enter the Zoom Meeting ID number listed with the session you want to view, then enter your name and click “Join”. This should launch you into the meeting.
Issue: I can’t hear anything.
Solution: Make sure your volume is turned up and you have the correct listening device selected in your system preferences. If you are joining a Zoom Room, you must make sure to connect to audio either via your computer, or by phone following the instructions you are prompted with when entering the meeting.
Issue: I can see the picture clearly but I don’t have audio.
Solution: Your browser may set the default audio to “mute” within the Media Fusion application. Click on the audio icon within the app to hear the session(s).
Issue: The video keeps skipping and/or the quality is terrible.
Solution: This issue is often caused by internet speeds. If you are in a public location, the WiFi may not be as reliable as needed to effectively view all of our sessions. If you are watching a Media Fusion Virtual Room, the quality of the video may be reduced in an effort to stop the video skipping. This is also caused by low internet speeds. Try finding a faster connection, or plugging into a network vs using a wireless connection.
Issue: I don’t see where to type in the chat window in a Media Fusion Virtual Room session.
Solution: Depending on your web browser, the box where you enter your text may not appear initially. Simply scroll down over the white space in the chat box and you should see where you can type.
Issue: The Media Fusion video player says the video file cannot be played.
Solution: Refresh the page on your web browser. This should solve the issue.